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Bacteria in things we share


Things You Should Never Share With Another Person

Our parents, though unknowingly, were teaching us some very unhealthy and unhygienic habits when they taught us to SHARE our belongings with our friends, siblings and even acquaintances.

We would share everything from our crayons and toys to even food and drinks, and as we got older it would sometimes even be more personal — sharing things like towels and toothbrushes.

The thought rarely crosses our minds that we might be giving bacteria a good path to travel. Sharing is caring, and it’s a good thing, but here are a few exceptions to the rule…

EarPhone Buds

At some point or another, you wanted a friend or a sibling to hear that hot new song. As soon as it starts, you pop out one of your ear buds and hand it over to your friend.

At the time the thought probably never crossed your mind, but with that one action you didn’t just share that new song, but you shared bacteria back and forth.

You might not think it’s a big deal, but ask yourself that the next time you’re down with the common cold. Also, the amount of bacteria transmitted is doubled when earbuds are worn for working out and shared during physical. Sweat and the warmth of the body aggravate the growth rate of germs.


At one point in time each one of us has shared our towel with somebody, be it a friend, girlfriend/boyfriend or a sibling. But as much as a person never minds sharing it, we should!

People assume that because we use towels after bathing and generally come in contact with things we use to keep ourselves clean and hygienic that it’s okay to share them.

Unfortunately, it’s not all that clean. Towels make us dry because of their absorbent properties, but they absorb some unwanted germs as well. Germs that can live on for days, weeks and months!

Deodorant (Roll-On)

Deodorants and perfumes, in general, are that one product that nobody cares much about when it comes to sharing. They would use whatever comes in handy when it comes to these kind of products.

Scented roll-ons in particular are the main source of bacteria transportation among people. It is as gross as it sounds and unhygienic as well! Spray deodorants: share away!


This is something everybody is aware of — how harmful sharing a toothbrush can be (not to mention insanely gross!)

Even then some couples split a brush between themselves. Discussing kissing is a whole different story, a gesture of love it may be but surely bacteria loves this act of love as well.

On toothbrushes germs get an easy method of transportation that also causes lots of infections and diseases associated with poor dental hygiene, and in rare cases, blood borne diseases if the toothbrush causes bleeding gums.


When it comes to friends and family, rarely anyone objects to sharing drinks, but even one sip can almost ensure transfer of a trace amount of saliva. That small amount is almost enough to cause some serious infections and diseases like strep throat, the mumps, and the common cold — and sometimes even meningitis.

Fortunately millions of people share drinks and take bites of each other’s food without any serious consequences — but then you never know when one sip might get you sick.


Sharing hairbrushes is quite common in every household, especially among girls.

There are some diseases, though, which can be transmitted via hairbrush, and we’re not just talking about head lice. People have gotten scabies and even staph infections from sharing their hairbrush.


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