The Periscope
Sale of Delta Line: God is Good Motors as Undertaker
In the course of the past weeks, apart from the colourful defection ceremony of Dr. Cairo Ojougboh, the immediate past Deputy National Chairman of the PDP to the APC, the sale of Delta Line by the Delta State government to God is Good Motors was the trending topic in Delta State.
Even as the government continues to buffet Deltans with semantics such as outright sale, concession, divestment and takeover, the fact on the ground is that as of today, Delta Line as we knew of it, has ceased to exist. God is Good Motors Limited, a private transport and logistics company is now the beneficial and real owner of the defunct Delta Line.
The sale of Delta Line, the flagship of Delta State in the transportation sector is suspicious in more ways than one. Indeed, that Delta Line with a massive goodwill and reputation built over the years, over 100 terminals across the country and well over 1200 units of modern buses could be sold for N160 million raises more questions than answers. These questions are what the, Delta State government cannot proffer answers to as it exposes the grand deception and cronyism that has become the hallmark of the Okowa administration.
In a feeble attempt to justify this daylight robbery, the Commissioners for Information, Transport and Finance, Messrs Patrick Ukah, Vincent Uduaghan and David Edevbie respectively, pointed out that it became necessary for government to concession Delta Line due to the fact that it had been run aground by a profligate management and that the management of Delta Line owed N500 million in debts.
These commissioners and their principal should bury their ugly heads in shame. Deltans are not deceived. Although it is a glaring lie, where was the commissioner for finance and that of transport when Delta line was incurring debts and being run aground? What is the proportion of the alleged debt to the over #10 billion assets of the company? The Okowa administration should desist from taking Deltans for fools who would accept cheap lies. Truth, like a live coal of fire cannot for long be hid in the pocket. Truth is that Okowa has sold our Delta Line as a carcass and God is Good Motors Limited has become the lucky undertaker.
It is a scary fact that an administration that promises prosperity for all Deltans has privatized the public transport sector, a very critical sector to economic buccaneers whose sole aim is to maximize profits. In its drive for profits, the cronies of the government at Asaba to whom our collective legacy has been bequeathed, would escalate the economic woes of Deltans who would not be able to afford the high fares of the private investor.
The truth of the sale of Delta Line to God is Good Motors will one day come out for Deltans to see. Already it is being said that the sale was one made to a similitude as the Governor himself is a major shareholder in God is Good Motors and whose election was sponsored by the transport company.
Today the transport sector has been sold out to the friends of the governor for a mess of political porridge. Tomorrow our hospitals may be sold out to some private business enterprise and the Delta State University at Abraka may be next in line. We can only pray that by 2019, the Anwai Road Government House would not have been sold to a private estate developer perhaps for N5 million.
All rights reserved © Asaba Metro. Permission to use this publication (The Periscope) is granted subject to appropriate credit being given to the Author Favour Chukwunoyenim and as the source.