Over 1000 Persons Repent As Evangelist Light Diden Preaches Repentance In Sapele
By Oghenetega Uviejitobor
The wife of the General Overseer of Mega Praise Church of Christ, Evangelist Mrs Light Diden has called on the people of Sapele to repent from their sins and give their life to Christ.
Evangelist Light Diden who was preaching during a Crusade service at Omatshola Primary School, Boyo Road, Sapele, Delta State on the theme, “Ye Must Be Born Again”, admonished Christians to give their life to Christ, saying that no one living in sin and doing evil will make heaven (Romans 6 vs 23 ).
The wife of the General Overseer added that in other to make heaven, one must be born again and hampering on the fact that no man can deceive God (Galatians 6 vs 7).
Evangelist Diden, further added that she is a living testimony of God’s love and kindness and that were she is today is by the grace of God who is supreme, adding that, it is only God who can make a man, he takes one man up and another one down as he is the only qualified judge (Psalm 75 vs 7, 1 Samuel 2 vs 8).
While exalting God who is the maker and creator of her soul, she admonished Christian to desist from Idolatry, fornication, stealing, lying, others as the Bible has commanded them to do so (Deuteronomy 5 vs 7 ).
Continuing, Evangelist Light Diden stressed that, fornicators, cheats, liars, gossips, others will not enter into the Kingdom of God unless they repent and confess with their mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord ( 1John 1 vs 9 ). She called on the people of Sapele to seek first the kingdom of God (Matthew 6 vs 33 ), before worldly things.
At the end of the service, there was an altar call for all those who wanted to repent and give their life to Christ. Over One thousand persons came out and gave their life to Christ. Indeed there is great joy in heaven over any soul that repents (Luke 15 vs 7).