Nic-Ola Beauty Sparkles Corner: Give Love
Giving Love is the Right Thing to do, so start doing it. Every single day, no matter who you meet – friends, family, domestic helps, fellow staff, work colleagues, strangers, tell them sweet things genuinely, Give love to them.
Tell your cook how sweet and delicious their meal is, tell them you enjoy it and see the miracles that will start performing. Same with your cleaner, your laundry person. Show love by appreciating them.
Do so at your work place, do so with everyone around you, you can never tell who you are healing by the love you give.
Same with your children, tell them they are the best gifts that life has ever given you.
Tell your spouse how happy you are every time they smile, they are beautiful, tell them they are the sweetest person in your life, give them a peck on the forehead before going to bed every night.
Honey, give love.
Give a smile or a compliment or kind words or kind actions, but don’t forget to give love!
Do your best to make sure that every single person you meet has a better day because they saw you.
I know you will start doing so…. God bless.
Nic-Ola Beauty Sparkles Corner By:
CEO @ Nic-Ola Beauty Sparkles
Nigerian Wedding Make Up ArtistsÂ
Pro Make Up Artists & Educators.
For Bookings & Enqs call: +2347032886291
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Visit @ 13 Dla Rd, Off Summit Rd, Asaba.