FIFA Recommends Two Years Ban for Nigeria’s Amos Adamu
The adjudicatory chamber of the independent Ethics Committee, chaired by Hans-Joachim Eckert, has opened formal adjudicatory proceedings against Amos Adamu, former president of the West African Football Union and former member of the CAF and FIFA Executive Committees, based on the final report submitted by the investigatory chamber.
The investigations against Mr Adamu conducted by Dr Cornel Borbély, chairman of the investigatory chamber of the Ethics Committee, were opened on 9 March 2015 and the final report was passed to the adjudicatory chamber on 2 December 2016.
In the final report, the investigatory chamber recommends a sanction of a two-year ban from all football-related activities (administrative, sports and any other) and a fine of CHF 20,000 (about $19,500 USD) for violations of arts 13, 15 and 19 of the FIFA Code of Ethics (FCE).
The adjudicatory chamber under its chairman Hans-Joachim Eckert has studied the report carefully and decided to institute formal adjudicatory proceedings against Mr Adamu.
In the course of the proceedings, the party will be invited to submit his position including any evidence with regard to the final report of the investigatory chamber (art. 70 par. 2 of the FCE), and may request a hearing (art. 74 par. 2 of the FCE).
For reasons linked to privacy rights and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty, the adjudicatory chamber will not publish further details at the present time.
The 62-year-old was a member of Fifa’s executive committee for four years until 2010, when he was banned from all football activity for three years. Adamu’s suspension expired in October 2013.
He was found guilty of asking for money in exchange for World Cup votes – an accusation he denied.
Amos Adamu who has been a high-ranking Government official in Nigeria Sports for over 20 years, was once considered to be a leading candidate to succeed long-serving Issa Hayatou as CAF President.