PRESS RELEASE: Delta APC Rallies Existing and Potential Members For Membership Registration And Revalidation Exercise
Recently, the National Leadership of the All Progressives Congress, led by the National Caretaker Committee’s Chairman, His Excellency Mai Buni, put machineries in motion to give Nigerians a rebranded/people’s oriented Party (APC). In order to realize this lofty dream for the Party and Nigerians, the Party agreed that there should be membership drive and revalidation exercise.
Therefore, in line with the laudable idea/directive of the Party at the National level, Delta APC calls on all Party Faithful in the State to within the period of time specified for the exercise, take steps to participate in the Membership Registration and Revalidation exercise. The exercise is intended to strengthen the Party from the Unit levels to the National for the good of our great Party.
There is no gainsaying the fact that so many persons recently joined the Party in an informal way. That is, they were recently welcomed into the Party without being formally registered in line with the Party’s Constitution. On the other hand, there are so many persons who are desirous of joining the Party. While some were waiting for an auspicious opportunity to do that, others were/are waiting to be wooed to the Party.
The Party calls on all Faithful to go out and be fishers of men for our great Party, APC. The political harvest is rich and men of goodwill are urged by the Party to fully participate in the exercise by revalidating their membership and winning political souls for the Party.
Together, we can make Delta APC greater than what it is. There is no better time than now.
Sylvester Imonina, Esq.,
State Publicity Secretary (Caretaker) Delta State.
28th January, 2021.