Business Property For Rent Along Nnebisi Road Asaba
Delta State Capital Asaba is rapidly developing into a business city. With its proximity to Onitsha the commercial nerve center of South-South and South-East Nigeria, it stands out as an emerging business hub for transient and resident business minds.
The thriving peaceful city boasts of hundreds of business establishments. Hence real estate and property business is on the increase with developers and investors thronging into Asaba to get their chunk of the evolving commercial city.
In this post, we will be looking at a Property which has been put up for RENT along the ever busy Nnebisi Road. This property is located beside MTN (Charleson) Office along Nnebisi Road Asaba.
The Shopping Plaza is made up of different sections of Offices, Stores and Parlours. Each shop has its rest room and the needed electrical installations have already been put in place.
For further details of this Property, contact Barr. Michael Onyarin on 0706 048 3843
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