BIAFRA: Group commend FG for declaring IPOB Terrorist Organization
The South South Reawakening Group (SSRG) has commended the Federal Government for declaring the Independent People of Biafra (IPOB) as a terrorist group, saying that the primary responsibility of government is to safeguard lives and property of its citizens.
National Convener of the group, Mr Joseph Ambakederimo in a press statement in Warri, Delta state, said the group wholeheartedly supports President Muhammadu Buhari for the steps taken so far on the IPOB menace, adding that when national security is at stake the liberty of any individual or the right of any group of persons takes the back seat.
He said, “The President Buhari government is proactive and the action taken so far is in line with what any well meaning and sitting government would have done. The issue of national security should be devoid of politics, because the issue to safeguarding lives and property is the primary responsibility of any government.
“lnfact the designation of the IPOB as a terrorist organization is long overdue. We have on record (tape) where the self professed supreme leader of IPOB in a forum in the United States solicited for Arms and Ammunition to fight the Nigerian state. We are sure millions of Nigerians have seen even more damning recordings of the IPOB group, yet nothing was done by his people to denounce or proscribe the group. Nothing is more treasonable than what we have seen and heard as a people from Nnamdi Kanu.”
The group urged government to also beam its search light on other such amorphous groups in all parts of the country and proscribe them or designate them as terrorist groups if necessary saying that the federal government should begin to crackdown on anti-State actions in order to stem the tide of downward slope to anarchy.
“The law says it is only members of the armed forces, police and other paramilitary personnel that are allowed to bear arms, yet you find every Tom Dick and Harry carrying guns as if law and order has broken down in the country. Anyone other than the prescribed group of persons bearing arm should be termed as a criminal and therefore be treated as such.
“There is Rule of law in this country and all Nigerians must obey the laws of the land no matter your status or standing in society. We are not uncivilized people neither is Nigeria a jungle. We should all remember what happened in Rwanda a few years back and stop this hate that we spread around. It is an ill wind that will blow no one any good,” Ambakaderimo.
He said that no government that knows its onion will sit back and allow miscreants and charlatans to hold everybody to ransom, just as he called on parents to talk to their sons and daughters to spare Nigerians the agony of war.
“For the south East Governors, I say it is a shame that you all have allowed this matter to degenerate to this level for the government to designate IPOB a terrorist organization before the action you have taken. It is a pity that you governors and many of your fellow south easterners do not know the constitutional procedure to adopt on matters of this nature.
“It will not be out of place if all of you Governors are held responsible and in contempt and accessory to this crime. All of you Governors hide under IPOB to divert the people’s focus from your incompetence, non performance, avarice and greed. For us in the South South reawakening Group, President Buhari is magnanimous not to have declared a state of emergency in the south east states, the President would have done that and let the heavens fall. The IPOB and their backers cannot continue to pull all of us along the road to Golgotha.
“For the young men and women who devote a better part of their life span to engage on this meaningless crusade we say have a rethink and contribute your quota to the development of Nigeria rather than dissipate your energies to chase a mirage. We urge the youths of the south east and the country at large to hold our leaders accountable and demand for good governance. Don’t allow your tomorrow to be squandered today by some mediocre who parade themselves as political leaders while their children leaves in the comfort of their mansions in Europe and some other parts of the world . Let us all join hands across the length and breadth of this country and demand for good governance, probity and accountability and go on to show love to one another.
“No one tribe should be seen to be dominating others we are all equal at every given time as all bad people are found in all ethnic groups. For us to hold a section of this country as responsible for all of our problems is to say the least uncharitable. We should not loose cognizance of the resoluteness of the Arewa youths who have shown restraint to accommodate the agents provocateurs so far. We therefore urge the Arewa youths to continue to exercise restraint in the face of deliberate provocations and accommodate all and sundry.
“It is unfortunate that eminent personalities, professors, legal luminaries and captains of industries that abound in the south east including the leadership of the ohaneze allowed themselves to be led and brought to disrepute in the IPOB imbroglio. In other climes such as CANADA, Catalonia, part of Spain that has been agitating for breakaway do it through their elected representatives in parliament. Why have we as a people always do the opposite to actualize our aspirations instead of following due process.
“Our last word is that we should all show love for one another and live in peace and work assiduously for the progress of Nigeria. The energy that we dissipate in trying to go to war should be channeled to build a more prosperous Nigeria. The destiny of one tribe is in the hands of all,” the statement reads.